Interior design


 I finally moved in my new appartement...It was a freaking tiring job but it's now completely furnished and ready to be inhabited :)
Thanks to wonderful friends without whom nothing would have been possible, so a special to the Cherabil, my mom, François, Alexandre, Delphine et Zab.... :)

I don't know what to think of the decoration, I bought stuff from many places and I don't know if everything actually fits together...let me know what you think, please !

Besides, I had my first party last night, and it was a great success :) wonderful friends and champagne is the best combination for a wonderful first night in a new place...


The living room
The kitchen

The bedroom

The kitchen - at a closer look :)

Welcome to my new - although empty as for now - flat !

If you have any idea as to how to decorate it, you're more than welcome to tell me ! :)

I'll post pictures of it furnished as soon as it is, that is to say on the 9th of June !

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